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Corel VideoStudio Pro X6

أقوي برنامج للمونتاج و تحرير الفيديو و عمل مؤثرات عليها فبهذا البرنامج تستطيع إنشاء مقاطع الفيديو الخاصة بك و تزيينها بالمؤثرات الجميلة و تحريرها أيضا ففي هذا الإصدار تم تطوير واجهة البرنامج من حيث أنك تستطيع تركيب مقاطع الصوت و الفيديو بعملية السحب فقط و إمكانية تحجيم نافذة الواجهة الرئيسية للتناسب معك و أيضا تطبيق التأثيرات أصبح أكثر سهولة و دقة و مربعات حوار البرنامج أصبحت أكبر و أكثر وضوح , و أيضا تم إضافة العديد من الأدوات الرائعة منها (Painting Creator) الأداة التي من خلالها تستطيع الكتابة علي الفيديو بكل حرية و سهولة تامة و أيضا يمكنك جعل الفيديو متحرك في إنشاء قوائم أقراص الديفيدي ـ

Corel VideoStudio Pro is professional video-editing software with end-to-end HD support, it offers a huge palette of features, effects and options that indulge the imagination. Corel VideoStudio Pro is the powerful, creative and easy way to take your video footage from shoot to show-fast. Quickly load, organize and trim SD or HD video clips. Cut together your production from templates and get creative with effects, music, titles, transitions and more. Explore new Stop Motion Animation and Time-Lapse tools, then export to 3D! It’s everything you need for professional-quality video editing. Create, edit, render and share faster than ever with VideoStudio® Pro - your complete video-editing software for making HD movies. Now optimized for the latest hardware from Intel® and AMD, VideoStudio Pro X4 lets you see results on screen faster than ever. Make a movie, then share your videos on YouTube, Facebook, Vimeo, DVD, AVCHD and Blu-ray discs, iPhone, mobile device, your favorite website or your TV and more.

What's New :
NEW! Motion Tracking
Target and track moving objects on screen and connect them to elements such as text and graphics. Attach a thought bubble to someone walking down the street or place security mosaics over moving license plates and faces.

NEW! Customizable Motion 
Customize the movement of graphics, titles, objects and video clips. It's the perfect way to create dynamic videos featuring picture-in-picture and other pro-quality effects. Plus, save your customizable motion to a Path library for quick and easy reuse.

NEW! DSLR Stop Motion 
Now you can create full-HD stop motion videos using your DSLR camera. Bring the processing power and unique lense capabilities of your DSLR to life and create stop motion films your audience won't soon forget.

NEW! DSLR Enlarged Mode 
Mimic your DSLR camera's controls on your PC or Windows tablet. Just set up and shoot the frames you want—all without jostling your camera!

NEW! Ultra High-Definition (4K) video support 
Go beyond high definition with support for new Ultra HD (4K) video. Work with high-res photos and take maximum advantage of your DSLR camera's capabilities, or import and edit videos with resolutions up to 4096 x 2160 to create movies in stunning Ultra HD.

NEW! AVCHD 2.0 support 
Take your videos further with AVCHD, one of the leading formats for high-definition video. Work with AVCHD 2.0, AVCHD 3D, AVCHD Progressive and AVCHD 3D/Progressive formats. Additional AVCHD features let you add menu navigation, subtitles and more. Plus, save AVCHD an SD card for instant viewing on SD-compatible devices.

ENHANCED! Variable Speed 
Evoke drama in a video using slow motion, or speed things up for unique time-lapse effects. With enhanced Variable Speed controls, it's faster than ever to alter the speed in any part of your video without having to work with multiple video clips.

ENHANCED! Screen capture 
Record whatever you're doing on screen and then edit, save and share it as a video. It's the fast and easy way to create how-to and tech support videos, as well as in-depth presentations. Choose from multiple frame rates to get the look you want. Plus, guide your audience more effectively with new animated mouse clicks.

NEW! Subtitle Editor 
Add text to accompany the audio in your videos or to interpret another language on screen. The new Subtitle Editor saves time and effort by using new voice detection technology to instantly match subtitles to the dialogue in your video.

NEW! Track Swapping 
Organize and work with tracks more effectively. With a few simple clicks you can swap overlay tracks without losing any information. All of a track's associated effects, *******s and attributes will instantly be copied over.

NEW! Customizable random transition effects 
Experiment and add a unique look to your videos and photo slideshows with your favorite transition effects. Select only the transition effects you want and add them to the Random Effects category.
NEW! QuickTime Alpha channels

Size : 1.3 Gb

تاريخ الاصدار :

الكيجن مرفق مع البرنامج .

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